
Friday, December 25, 2009

Oracle On Windows 7

Ok, just to be short

I was able to run Oracle Dev Suite 10GR2 With Oracle Database 11g on my laptop with windows 7 Professional 32 bit

This configuration works if you’re hosting the DB on the same pc as your DS

Here’s how: (long version will come if people ask me for details)

Install the db first, configure its listener service & port, and make sure u know the sysdba password (setup will run first time, exit and wait for the compatibility prompt & say “use recommended settings”)

Install oracle dev suite (setup won’t continue due to OS requirements, exit setup & wait for  the compatibility prompt & do just like with the DB)

Edit tnsnames.ora, listeners.ora, & sqlnet.ora to read each other, tnsnames.ora must containt the listener name & the oracle service name (by default it’s called “OracleServiceORCL”)

add %ORACLE_HOME& to the environment variables containing the path to your oracle home.

now you can run sql*plus with whoever use u want (use sys for this step, and run /as sysdba)

create a user with enough privileges to create & edit a repository, you can check the needed privileges in the repository administration utility

use this user in the rep. admin. util. to create teh repo. and we’re done

If you need details ask me, but you can always Google for the details of any step that you don’t understand..